Ready to try a FREE SAMPLE?


Head to Royals Liquor on Lexington Ave, ask for a caipi (kye-pee) sample, and they’ll know exactly what you mean :)


what is a caipi and why will i love it?

The margarita’s older brother

The caipirinha is a lime-based cocktail made with a uniquely Brazilian style of rum known as cachaça (kah-shah-sah), that is:

  • Refreshing like a margarita

  • Not too sweet, not too sour

  • Easy to make (3 ingredients)

  • Oh, and with 1/3 of the sugar.

AND it’s made from spirits made right here in Danville, KY.

If you like margaritas, you’ll LOVE the caipirinha ;)

whAT you’ll need

With only THREE ingredients required to make a caipirinha, it’s among the simplest cocktails you’ll ever come across. But, simple does not mean boring; there’s a reason it’s in’s top 25 most popular cocktails in the world!


  • 2 oz. cachaça (more on that later)

  • Lime, quartered

  • Sugar

  • Ice

Want to try a FREE SAMPLE before making it yourself?

Visit Royals Liquor on Lexington Ave. and they’ll be happy to give you one :)

How it’s made

1. Add a quartered lime and 2 teaspoons of sugar into a glass

2. Muddle the limes and sugar

3. Add 2oz of Cachaça

4. Shake with ice

5. Strain, pour over ice, and ENJOY :)

whAT IS cachaÇA?


A caipi with-out cachaça isn’t a caipi.

The reason a caipi is as widely popular as it is, is because cachaça and limes were made for each other. Cachaça (a Brazilian white rum) is made from sugarcane, while most other rums are made from molasses.

This gives cachaça an earthy sweetness that is unlike any other type of rum and when combined with lime juice and sugar, it results in an exotic complexity that no other spirit could produce.

Like we said, a caipi without cachaça, is not a caipi.

Wondering where you can find cachaça and try a free sample caipirinha?

Royals Liquor on Lexington Ave. is the place!

Where can I try a sample caipi?

Blue Rook Cachaça is a Danville, KY distillery, owned and operated by life-time Danville residents, so we are here to support other local businesses!

You can find our cachaça at BOTH Royal Liquor stores in Danville, the Lexington Avenue location near the bowling alley, or at the Perryville Road location near the movie theater!

Find a free sample, and everything you need at a royals liquor.

Visit royals liquor to find your new favorite cocktail

This kentucky summer is only getting hotter, go try get some while you still can!